Thursday, March 20, 2008

what a LOOOOONG night.

so last night i went to the movies with my family here in peru to see ... uhmmm "untraceble" (i think that's what it's called in english). AMAZING movie ... but during the movie my friend began to have extreme pain in her left arm, and around her heart. SCARY!! So when we got home her parents called an ambulence, because the pain had become increasinly worse on the ride home. She was also burning up with a fever. My first thought was that she had an infection ... which is increadable DANGEROUS when it's that close to your heart. Needless to say ... i was worried!! I sat up with her for an hour (peruvians dont do anything quickly) until the paramedics, and her parents arrived. the paramedics came and couldnt diagnose anything, so this gave her this painful shot in the butt (my hand still hurts from the squeezing that it got). But her parents weren't satisfied that the paramedics had done their job. So they called another doctor to come to the house four hours later. I camped out next to her bed, in case she needed anything ... and i woke up to the sound of the doctor coming up the stais early this morning. I was concious to hear him say that she had a bad infection, and that she needed to do ... blahblahblah. I lifted my head off my pillow to say " man, i should have been a doctor"!! Laughter all around the room, and then i went back to sleep for a couple more hours. All in all ... i am EXTREMALY sleepy today :P

but the end is that my friend is doing better today, she can actually walk across the room without feeling like she's going to pass out, or throw up her guts!